Corporate Information for Levi Strauss (India) Private Limited

CSR Policy:


"To actively contribute to the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate. In doing so, build a better, sustainable way of life for the weaker sections of society and help the country in building strong foundation in areas that concern the most.”


Our development activities and focus areas are relief & rehabilitation, healthcare, education, sustainable livelihood, infrastructure and espousing social causes.
The areas in which projects would be chosen are one or several of the following:

  • Relief and Rehabilitation
  • Promoting Education
  • Promoting Healthcare including Preventive Healthcare
  • Vocational Skills
  • Eradicating Hunger, Poverty and Malnutrition
  • Ecological Balance
  • Conservation of Natural Resource
  • Environmental Sustainability
  • Contribution to Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund
  • Rural Developments Projects
  • And as such any other as prescribed under the Companies Act 2013 from time to time

Levi Strauss (India) Private Limited will make contribution to approved Organizations or make contributions to a Trust of the Company that may be constituted for this purpose or directly undertake the Corporate Social Responsibility activities which are approved by the Companies Act 2013 as detailed in Schedule VII of the Act.


The Board of Directors has appointed a CSR Committee comprising of the following Directors:

  4. MEGHALEE BARTHAKUR (Advisory Member)

Mr. Saurav Patni will be the Secretary to the Committee. The Legal Head and the HR Head of the Company will be permanent invitees for the committee meetings on CSR.

Committee will make periodic recommendations to the Board on the amount to be spent and on the projects to be undertaken which are in consonance with the activities detailed in Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013.

The Committee will determine the Trust/NGO/Person/Association in charge of the activities that could be undertaken for contribution to be made in the Focus Areas. These associations/persons responsible for the delivery of the welfare activities through Levi’s funding will update the Committee on the requirements and the status of the development in each activity undertaken. If the Committee recommends that the expenditure is to be routed through a Trust exclusively setup by Levi for carrying out the welfare activities mentioned in our focus areas, the Trust will report the status and update on the CSR activities to the Committee. The Committee will continue to monitor the CSR activities and ensure that they do not deviate from the focus area agreed. The Committee will also provide a report to the Board on the status of the approved projects. This report will be provided at every meeting of the Board of Directors.

In respect to contribution to the PM Relief Fund, corresponding receipts should be preserved for verification by auditors, members and Board of Directors. Such receipts will have to remain in the custody of CSR Committee and it will be the responsibility of the CSR Committee to take necessary steps for maintenance of the CSR records.


Amount to be spent will be as specified by the Committee and approved by the Board. The amount spent will not be less than 2% of the Average Net Profits of the preceding 3 financial years as required under the Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013 and The Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility) Rules, 2014 thereunder.


The Board will publish the CSR activities and amounts spent vide a Report on the CSR prepared by the CSR Committee as a part of the Director’s Report in the Company’s Annual Report. Further, the CSR policy shall be displayed on the Company’s Website.

Annual Returns:

Click here to download the MGT 7 Extract of Annual Returns
Click here to download the AGM notice of the company